
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blueberry Cobblercakes

by Anne

Before I even knew I was moving back to Minnesota, a friend of mine in Chicago threw a Minnesota hot dish party. And while my friend is technically not a Minnesooooota native, she’s definitely one of the state’s biggest fans, so Christopher and I knew we had to “bring the goods,” as it were.  

So even though it was June, in Chicago, we fired up the oven. Christopher whipped up a couple of batches of his family’s New York Spaghetti Pie recipe (yes, it IS a Minnesota hot dish despite the name), and I made a couple of desserts- Minnesota-shaped cookies (sorry, no pictures!) and blueberry cobblercakes. Yum! 

These cobbler cupcakes couldn’t be easier to make… or harder to eat! Be sure you use the foil muffin cups - and serve with a spoon- ‘cuz you really don’t want to unwrap these guys, trust me.

Blueberry Cobblercakes
•    1 box of cake mix. Vanilla, white, yellow- whatever you prefer!
•    Butter
•    Blueberry filling. You can buy it canned or make your own!

Fill each muffin cup about halfway with blueberry filling. Top each ‘cake with a generous spoonful of dry cake mix. Remember, since you’re not actually turning the mix into a batter, nothing will rise- so don’t worry about filling close to the rim. Place a small, thin pat of butter on the top of each cobbler. Don’t be too skimpy here, the butter needs to melt into the cake mix and form a warm, golden crust. But, don’t OVERindulge either, unless you just want to taste butter. Ew.
Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes or until the tops are golden. The filling will probably bubble up a bit. Don’t worry, that’s a good thing.

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